Stephanie Vallette

December 11, 2023

Keeping Your Construction Crew Productive During the Holidays

    Ah, the holidays! ‘Tis the season for joy, festivities, and … project management headaches for construction companies. Juggling work commitments with family gatherings and […]
September 18, 2023

How Design and Engineering Shape Our World

From monumental bridges that span seemingly endless bodies of water to “spider webs” of city transportation networks, the interconnectedness of design and engineering results in structures […]
August 25, 2023

Designing Today’s Cities: The Evolution of Urban Landscapes

What if you could stroll through a city that once felt like a concrete jungle, only to find it teeming with vibrant green spaces, bustling markets, […]
June 9, 2023

Preserving Scenic Beauty: 5 Transformative Visual Impact Mitigation Strategies

Imagine you live in an area with breathtaking mountain views as far as your eyes can see. But one day, an electric company comes in and […]

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