Weathered Steel Railing and Cable For CDOT’s Peaks to Plains Project near Denver, CO

Natina Steel Staining Solutions at Phoenix Zoo
Phoenix Zoo and Natina’s work on the Warty Pig Metal Enclosure
December 2, 2018
Natina Portfolio - Los Patrones Parkway
Los Patrones Parkway in California treats cable fencing and gates with Natina Steel Solution
November 28, 2018

Natina, Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and CEI Constructors collaborated to preserve the natural beauty of Clear Creek Canyon in the Denver area. Various crews are building the Peaks to Plains Trail — a 65-mile trail stretching from the Continental Divide on Loveland Pass to the South Platte River Trail and Adams County. This recreational trail is part of the “Colorado the Beautiful Initiative”.

Natina helped beautify and enhance a six-mile paved, multipurpose trail along U.S. Highway 6 with 142,000+ square feet of concrete, 59,000+ linear feet of galvanized steel railing and 13,000+ linear feet of cable. The main goal for the trail was to protect as many natural resources as possible. Natina helped this goal since the materials turned into a natural, earthy brown finish which blended these structures into the canyon’s background. All our solutions are natural, environmentally safe and non-toxic.

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