Project NEON Sign Structures with Natina

California Highway Fence for 241 Toll Road
April 19, 2019
Florida Drive Median Barrier Project in San Diego
April 8, 2019

Owner: Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT)

Materials Applied: Cable Railing, Chain-Link Fence, Monopoles, Overhead Sign Structures, Sign Posts, Lamp Posts and Guardrail (End Terminals)

Natina and the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) joined forces on the one of the largest public works project in Nevada's history, Project NEON. With large overhead sign structures along iconic Interstate 15 and the “Spaghetti Bowl” interchange in downtown Las Vegas, aesthetics were important and played a vital role in specifying Natina. They determined the rustic brown finish was the best solution for the galvanized structures which blend into the picturesque mountains and desert landscaping. Since this is the busiest highway in Nevada, NDOT wanted a low maintenance option to mitigate traffic delays and need for touch-ups. Natina is excited to be part of the advancement of this major highway. For more information or to request a presentation, contact us.

To get an idea of how large these structures are, check out our video at our facility in Arizona.

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